I picked up a fresh set of Whisper Creek park rules the other day at the office in order to review them, having violated several in the recent past. There are 18 pages listing some 82 rules and the way I see it, I’m sure it is some kind of boilerplate corporate document. I feel that in most cases they are spot on, however I thought that maybe they could be enhanced a little so I am offering some potential changes


Grandparents are only allowed to share ONE story/picture of a cute grandchild per day. This is unless of course, the grandchild does something extra cute. In this case the story/picture limits are off. 

On days when there is only a 50% chance of rain, Creekers are encouraged to wear only one galosh at a time ~ or put their umbrella only ½ way up.

When your children (or grandchildren) come to visit, it is permitted to tell embarrassing stories in a group setting about said children when they were growing up.

“Senior moments” are not only permitted but encouraged. This is especially true if someone walks by your place and you call them by the wrong name.

When someone starts a conversation by saying “Back in the day”, all other conversations must cease and proper attention must be given to the speaker.

When the conversation turns to “How inexpensive everything used to be” make sure you are prepared to insert your opinion into the conversation. Special deference will be given to those who want to talk about the price of eggs. 

When someone starts talking about how cold the weather is up north, those within listening range should immediately start to nod their heads in total agreement. 

When driving a golf cart around the park, it is considered bad form to occupy more than one lane at a time unless you are stopping to visit  someone. Then, if need be, you can block the entire road.

It’s nice to see people walking and (and sometimes jogging) around the park while talking on the phone. Be sure to put the phone on speaker so we can all hear what the conversation is about ~ and perhaps offer an opinion or two. 

Always assume that people want to know everything about you such as your former career, your military background or your opinion on crop prices. Be prepared to share all at a moment’s notice.

It’s just assumed that your dog is the cutest dog ever, and more people need to acknowledge that fact. Creekers are encouraged to have doggie treats ready and available. 

There is NO eating or drinking in the pool. There are also several bodily functions that should not be done in the pool but in polite society, we need not mention those. 


Anyway, these are the rules that I think should be added to the rule book. If you have any additional ones to add, please do not hesitate to bring them up to the powers that be. I’m sure that they will be glad to hear from you.

… Greg
