As I wander around Whisper Creek, several residents have stopped me to suggest potential columns. “I’ll see what I can do,” is always my reply.
Creeker Karen complains about so many people on State Route 80 driving slowly in the left lane, forcing you to have to pass them on the right. I’m not sure how I can create an entire column out of that, but at least I can give her grievance the light of day. “HEY! When you’re going slow, drive on the right and stay out of the passing lane!” Hope that helps, Karen.
Whisper Creek Brian reports that he and his wife were headed to the Casino in Immokalee a few days back when they came upon a roundabout where, for no reason, traffic was stopped. Someone (probably the guy who drives in the right lane from the above story) was apparently hesitant to enter said roundabout. Brian said that they sat there for 20 minutes (his wife said 3-4 minutes) until traffic moved again. As a solution, Brian suggested that someone make a YouTube video to teach people how to use a roundabout. Or maybe he could lead a class over in the community center? Notice: Please drive on the right side of the road on your way to said lesson!
All of the above reminds me of a funny story. I was teaching a two week class in Coventry, England (the home of lady Godiva so I’m told) and after the class was over my wife and I rented a car and headed to London to wander around for a bit. Trafalgar Square was magnificent, but the car was tiny and the food was awful ~ but that’s another story.
If Brian thinks that his traffic backup was bad, I suggest that he tries driving in downtown London sometime. I swear that the traffic was so bad (how bad was it?) that at times we seemed to be going backward.
That is until we hit the famous Cranham Roundabout. Now keep in mind that I am driving a tiny car, knees up in my chest, SITTING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE CAR and on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD. I still sweat 20 years later just thinking about it. If I counted right, there were 7 lanes of traffic all zipping around clockwise at Cranham. I can honestly say that I know how it feels to drive the Indianapolis Speedway now.
Well I’m zipping around the roundabout, knuckles white as snow, tension building and my wife kindly offering driving suggestions in my left ear. After several go-a-rounds, I found an exit. I pulled over to a curb, and promptly called the rental car company to come and get that clown car. I then headed straight for the nearest pub. And as the second (or was it the third?) Guinness began to take effect and my nerves settled down, I heard some guy a few stools over laughing about how slow them damn Yanks drive on the roundabout!! And in the wrong lane of all things!
And that my dear readers is how we come full circle.