By Greg Stangl
By some magical mystical miracle all of the world’s greatest neighbors have landed all in one place: Whisper Creek. It truly amazes me the depth of talent and neighborly compassion that we have here in the park.
For example, I was having trouble with my golf cart the other day and a generous circle of neighbors came over to offer advice. After some hemming and a little hawing, the problem was discovered, analyzed and solved. It was a “Festivus” miracle!
Many people here at the park have helped me with projects and I’ve always tried to “pay it forward” by helping some neighbors with flooring and drywall. And naturally, I am never too busy to offer some of my sage advice or wisdom. 😁
Evidence shows that helping others can often benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. Being a good neighbor can reduce stress, improve mood, self-esteem and happiness.
A few days back neighbor Tony decided to put the cloth cover over his gazebo on the patio. Several neighbors stopped by to offer help. A work committee was quickly formed and a foreman was appointed. A food truck rolled in and an emergency first aid station was established ~ complete with bandaids and rubbing alcohol. By the time I got there, the work was pretty much done so I was assigned to the cleanup crew.
Did you know that volunteering to help a neighbor is actually a very selfish act? Studies show that helping others can help you feel better! It’s also a great way to build long-lasting relationships.
Some other ways to help our community become even a better place include:
Volunteer to be on a committee.
Check in with a neighbor to see how he/she is doing.
Call a family member to tell them how much you love them.
Offer a listening ear to someone who wants to talk.
Pick up that errant plastic bottle or piece of trash. Let’s keep our little paradise clean for
And finally, when you make a little too much for dinner, run a plate over to that single neighbor who finds it hard to cook for one. You’ll get a higher place in heaven, I promise! Oh and if you bake a few too many cookies, you can run some by me. Hey, I’m just trying to make you feel better!